Valamis Skills

Competency management

Create a culture that values and supports skill development and motivates employees to set and achieve their own skills goals.

Valamis Skills


Developing employees has become critical for success in times of unprecedented change and fast-paced technology. Reskilling and upskilling employees is a significant job, but it has measurable and long-lasting benefits.
Valamis Skills aren’t just a siloed or stand-alone tool. They support all other features within our complete learning solution to create a joined-up approach to competency management, from using skills matrix to see where your people are now, identifying skills gaps and then implementing a skills strategy.


  • Business strategy icon
    Connect to Business Strategy

    Monitor operational improvements, behavioural changes and financial impact (ROI) of skills strategies. Prove the difference it makes to the organisational overall.

  • Content icon
    Link Content to Skills

    Use Skills data to guide your content creation and curation strategies for maximum impact. Link skills gaps to potential gaps in your content library, ensuring your content hits the mark.

  • Skills gap icon
    Identify Skills Gaps

    Skills gap analysis is critical in developing the workforce to get ahead of the competition. Maintain and improve on the skills your company needs for a future-proof workplace.

  • Data growth icon
    Measure Skills Data

    Valamis Skills includes reporting to take the guesswork out of your skills strategy and power it with data. Analyse how skills develop over time, which are growing, gaps and current levels.

  • Motivate icon
    Motivate Employees

    Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable discussing their plans and aspirations. Managers will then understand how best to support development goals.

  • Onboarding icon
    Support Onboarding

    From the outset, encourage new hires to develop skills that will help them to advance within their role, increase job satisfaction, and contribute to the overall business objectives.

  • In the flow icon
    Learning in the Flow

    Whatever activity you do connected to learning, link it back to skills. Assign skills to content, learning paths or events, ensuring every interaction a step towards upskilling and reskilling.

  • Succession plan icon
    Succession Planning

    See everyone within the organisation with the specific skills to solve the challenge. Get the right people into positions at the right time to ensure your organisation is ready for change.

Skills Gap Analysis Guide

Download our free digital guide and discover how to utilise existing skills gaps to benefit your workforce development.
For further support on creating a successful L&D program, measuring existing workforce skills or analysing your organisation’s training effectiveness, visit our skills management section on the Valamis Knowledge Hub.

The banner for Skills Gap Analysis Guide

Talk to our experts about skills

Our experts have a wealth of experience and guidance in skills strategy. They have worked for and with companies to learn how to successfully implement skills across an organisation and what the pitfalls often are.
To discuss how Valamis Skills should become the solution to benefit you, book a discussion with us to find out more.