Skills Development in the New World of Work

Webinar on Demand

The competition for talent is intensifying as global talent shortages worsen. As a result, organisations are shifting to skillsbased hiring as well as developing skills within their existing workforce, not only to attract and retain high performing people, but also to enable them to take advantage of new opportunities, respond to the pace of digital innovation and the challenges of climate change. Skills are a hot topic. In this challenging environment, L&D teams play a critical role as experts and enablers of skills development. But with the world moving fast, and resources tight, how can L&D teams rise to the challenge? And what can they do to enable organisations, teams and individuals to learn skills at the pace of the new world of work?

In this webinar with David Perring, Director of Research, Fosway Group, and Daniel Mills, Valamis Senior Learning Consultant, we will explore:

  • How skills intelligence is changing organisations
  • How to manage employees’ skills in fast growing companies?
  • Why skills assessments are important in employee development
  • How to prepare managers/leaders for upskilling/reskilling their workforce
  • How the human connection around skills matters – from skills assessment to skills development

Recorded: 7th of December 2022
Duration: 1h


David Perring

Director of Research, Fosway Group

David has been a learning professional for over 30 years. Over that time, he has always been at the forefront of learning innovation and has retained a strong sense of optimism, energy and passion for transforming organizational learning and performance.
Today, he holds a truly unique and privileged position. As Director of Research for Fosway Group, he independently explores the experiences of practitioners and suppliers to understand the realities of what’s happening in corporate learning, what’s inspiring change and what truly makes a difference.


Daniel Mills

Senior Learning Consultant with Valamis

Daniel is a Learning & Development professional with over 20 years of experience in the hospitality and retail catering environment. He has helped organisations move away from traditional paper and classroom-based development methods to online blended solutions, using technology as the enabler for learning. Supporting key stakeholders to launch online learning solutions successfully in the UK and internationally, Daniel has enhanced many existing development frameworks. Currently, Daniel is a Senior Learning Consultant for Valamis.